Rabu, 29 April 2015

Lab.4 Disable, Enable, and Uninstall Package IPv6

Lab.4 Disable, Enable, and Uninstall Package IPv6

The Purpose
1.      Knowing the history of Mikrotik.
2.      Knowing a steps to Disable Package IPv6 in Mikrotik.
3.      Knowing a steps to Enable Package IPv6 in Mikrotik.
4.      Knowing a steps to Uninstall Package IPv6 in Mikrotik.

The Basic Concept
“The History of Mikrotik”
            Mikrotik is a Small company in Latvia, side by side with Rusia. The formed by John Trully and Arnis Riekstins. John Trully is an American who immigration to Latvia. In Latvia, he meet with Arnis Riekstins a undergarduate Physics and Mechanic about 1995. In 1996 John and Arnis to start with the system Linux and MS DOS that combined with technology Wireless LAN (W-LAN) Aeronet speed 2Mbps in Moldova. It was only then serve five customers in Latvia, because ambition they are making one equipment soft routers that are reliable and distributed throughtout the world.
            The basic principle they’re not making Wireless ISP (W-ISP), but make program a router that are reliable and can run around the world. Latvia only a test site John and Arnis, because when this they’ve been helping the country – other countries, including positions that serve about 400 users. Linux that they use the first time is kernel 2.2, that the developed jointly with the 5-15 people on the Research and Development (R&D). According to Arnis, in addition to the staff in the environment Mikrotik. They also recruiting the power off and the third that with intensive development Mikrotik in the marathon.
Configure Disable, Enable, and Uninstall Package IPv6 on Mikrotik
After doing installation mikrotik in GNS3, prepare the materials is needed, is Winbox.exe.

1.      Sebelum merubah IPv4 pada client, disable kan dahulu VirtualBox Host-Onlynya.

Before the change IPv4 in client, the virtualbox is disable

2.      Klik kanan pada pilihan Local Area Connection > Properties > IPv4. Lalu, masukkan IP klien nya.
Right click on the choice of Local Area Connection > Properties > IPv4. Then put ip client

3.     Setelah itu, buka aplikasi Winbox.exe untuk meremote RB Mikrotik. Pilih pilihan IP, lalu klik IP yang sudah ada. Ubah IP Servernya.
After that, open the application  Winbox.exe for the remote RouterBoard Mikrotik. Choose option IP, then click IP it already is. Change do a IP Server

4.      Lakukan perintah ping pada klien ke server. Dibawah ini tampilan jika berhasil.
Do what the order ping on the Client to server. In under that the appear if it success

5.      Pada system di winbox, pilih License.
On the System in winbox, choose License

6.      Dibawah ini, level yang terdapat di RB Mikrotik yang saya pakai adalah Level 4.
In the under this, the level found in the RouterBoard Mikrotik I use is Level4

7.  Untuk melihat spesifikasi Harddisk yang ada di RB mikrotik adalah di System > Resources. Spesifikasi harddisk yang saya punya adalah totalnya 128,0 MB, dan yang kosong ada 111,1 MB.
To see the specifies of the harddisk in RB Mikrotik is in System > Resources. The specifies of harddisk i have is the total is 128,0 MB, and the empty is 111,1 MB

8.      Sekarang masuk ke Package.
Now get in to Package

9.      Terlihat bahwa IPv6 belum aktif, untuk mengaktifkannya klik pada option IPv6 lalu klik enable. Dia akan muncul tulisan Schedule for enable.
The look that IPv6 not active, for the active it click in the option IPv6 then click enable. It will came the words Schedule for enable

10.      Reboot untuk melihat perubahannya.
Reboot for see the changed it

11.      Setelah itu klik Ok.
After that, click OK

12.   Jika IPv6 telah berhasil diaktifkan, pada saat membuka winbox Mac Address beserta IP nya akan muncul dua. Karena, terdapa dua IP. Yaitu, Ipv4 dan IPv6.
If IPv6 is successfully activated, on the opening of winbox, mac address with the IP address will appear two. Because, there are two type IP. That is, IPv4 and IPv6

13.      Buka lagi option Package pada winbox, IPv6 akan terlihat bahwa berhasil diaktifkan.
Open again the option Package on the winbox, IPv6 will be look that successfull actived

14.      Sekarang, kita akan mencoba menDisable IPv6 yang sudah aktif. Buka Package pada System.
Now, we will try the disable IPv6 that haas been active. Open the Package on the System

15.       Klik IPv6, lalu klik Disable.
Click on the IPv6, then Click Disable

16.      Jika sudah, coba reboot
If that’s it, try rebooting

17.   Saat IPv6 telah dinonaktifkan, dia akan kembali seperti semula. Yaitu, hanya muncul satu Mac Address dan IP.
When IPv6 after the unable, it will be back as before. That is, just turn up in a mac address and the IP

18.      Jika sudah, sekarang kita akan mencoba menguninstal paket IPv6. Pilih option Uninstall.
If that is, now we will try to uninstall package of IPv6. Choose the option Uninstall

19.       Jangan lupa di Reboot.
Dont forget, do the reboot it

20.      Pada saat IPv6 telah di uninstall, kapasitas harddisk yang kosong akan bertambah.
On the when IPv6 after the uninstall, the capacity of the empty harddisk will increase