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Kamis, 28 Mei 2015

Lab.9 Connecting Internet With RouterBoard

Lab 9. Connecting Internet With RouterBoard

The Purpose     
1. Mengetahui Sejarah dari Mikrotik
    Knowing the History of Mikrotik
2. Mengetahui cara konfigurasi mengkoneksikan RouterBoard ke Internet
    Knowing how to Configure Connecting RouterBoard to Internet

Sejarah dari Mikrotik
The History of Mikrotik

“The History of Mikrotik”
Mikrotik is a Small company in Latvia, side by side with Rusia. The formed by John Trully and Arnis Riekstins. John Trully is an American who immigration to Latvia. In Latvia, he meet with Arnis Riekstins a undergarduate Physics and Mechanic about 1995. In 1996 John and Arnis to start with the system Linux and MS DOS that combined with technology Wireless LAN (W-LAN) Aeronet speed 2Mbps in Moldova. It was only then serve five customers in Latvia, because ambition they are making one equipment soft routers that are reliable and distributed throughtout the world.

The basic principle they’re not making Wireless ISP (W-ISP), but make program a router that are reliable and can run around the world. Latvia only a test site John and Arnis, because when this they’ve been helping the country – other countries, including positions that serve about 400 users. Linux that they use the first time is kernel 2.2, that the developed jointly with the 5-15 people on the Research and Development (R&D). According to Arnis, in addition to the staff in the environment Mikrotik. They also recruiting the power off and the third that with intensive development Mikrotik in the marathon.

The Configuration

1. Tambahkan IP pada RouterBoard dengan perintah # ip address add address =(IP/NM) interface=(sesuai keinginan), lalu ketikkan perintah # ip address print untuk melihat IP
Add IP in RouterBoard with command # ip address add address =(IP/NM) interface=(sesuai keinginan) , then typing command # ip address print to see the IP

2. Tambahkan gateway dengan perintah # ip route add dst-address= gateway Lalu, untuk melihat IP gateway dengan perintah # ip route print
Add the gateway with the command # ip route add dst-address= gateway Then, to seen IP gateway with perintah # ip route print

3. Selanjutnya, masukkan firewall nat dengan perintah # ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat out-interface=public action=masquerde. Dan # ip firewall nat print untuk melihat firewall nat yang telah ditambahkan
The next, get in firewall NAT with command # ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat out-interface=public action=masquerde. And, # ip firewall nat print to see the firewall nat has been added

4. Tambahkan juga DNS 
Add too DNS

5. Lakukan perintah ping to google
Type a command ping ke google

6. Pada client, tambahkan IP address beserta yang lainnya
On client, add the IP address with the other

7. Ping ke google
Ping to google

8. Buka browser
Open browser

Finishh~~ happy to try it, and good luck!~


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Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

Lab.8 Configuration Interface in Mikrotik

Lab 8. Configuration Interface in Mikrotik

The Purpose

1. Mengetahui Sejarah dari Mikrotik
    Knowing the History of Mikrotik
2. Mengetahui cara mengaktifkan dan menon-aktifkan Interface di Mikrotik
    Knowing how to Enable and Disable Interfaces in Mikrotik
3. Mengetahui cara merubah RouterBoard menjadi Switch
    Knowing how to Change Routerboard to be Switch
4. Mengetahui apa itu VLAN
    Knowing what it is VLAN
5. Mengetahui cara membuat VLAN dan menghapus VLAN
    Knowing how to make VLAN and removing VLAN

Konsep Dasar
The Basic Concept

“The History of Mikrotik”

            Mikrotik is a Small company in Latvia, side by side with Rusia. The formed by John Trully and Arnis Riekstins. John Trully is an American who immigration to Latvia. In Latvia, he meet with Arnis Riekstins a undergarduate Physics and Mechanic about 1995. In 1996 John and Arnis to start with the system Linux and MS DOS that combined with technology Wireless LAN (W-LAN) Aeronet speed 2Mbps in Moldova. It was only then serve five customers in Latvia, because ambition they are making one equipment soft routers that are reliable and distributed throughtout the world.

            The basic principle they’re not making Wireless ISP (W-ISP), but make program a router that are reliable and can run around the world. Latvia only a test site John and Arnis, because when this they’ve been helping the country – other countries, including positions that serve about 400 users. Linux that they use the first time is kernel 2.2, that the developed jointly with the 5-15 people on the Research and Development (R&D). According to Arnis, in addition to the staff in the environment Mikrotik. They also recruiting the power off and the third that with intensive development Mikrotik in the marathon.

Interface merupakan salah satu media yang digunakan komputer untuk berkomunikasi dengan manusia.
Interface is one of the media that computers use to communicate with people.
VLAN merupakan sekelompok perangkat pada satu LAN atau lebih yang dikonfigurasikan, sehingga dapat berkomunikasi seperti hal nya bila perangkat tersebut terhubung ke jalur yang sama. padahal, perangkat tersebut berada pada sejumlah segmen LAN yang berbeda.
VLAN is a group of devices on one LAN or more a preconfigured, so it can communicate just like her when the devices is connected to the same path. In fact, these devices are in a number of segments LAN a different.

The Configuration

1.Gunakan perintah # interface print untuk melihat nama interface
Use the command # interface print to see the name interface

2. Ubah nama interface, kali ini akan mengubah nama interface 0 dan 1 dengan perintah # interface set 0 name=public and # interface set 1 name=local. Jika berhasil, akan terlihat hasilnya (public dan local)
Change the name interface, this time will change name interface 0 and 1 with the command # interface set 0 name=public and # interface set 1 name=local. If success, will seen the results (public and local)

3.Selanjutnya, akan menon-aktifkan interface, dengan perintah # interface disable 0,1,2
The next, will the disable interface, with the command # interface disable 0,1,2.

4. Lalu, akan mengaktifkan interface dengan perintah # interface enable 0,1,2
Then, will enable the interface with the command # interface enable 0,1,2

5. Sekarang, akan membuat VLAN, dengan perintah # interface vlan add name=(nama interface) interface=local vlan-id=(sesuai keinginan)
Now, will make the VLAN, with the command # interface vlan add name=(nama interface) interface=local vlan-id=(sesuai keinginan)

6.Untuk melihat VLAN yang sudah dibuat dengan perintah # interface print
For see VLAN that have been with the command # interface print

7. Karena telah berhasil membuat VLAN nya, sekarang akan menghapus VLAN yang tadi telah dibuat dengan perintah # interface vlan remove (namaVLAN)
Cause it has successfully when make the VLAN, now will removing VLAN with the command # interface vlan remove (name VLAN)

9. Untuk mengecek bahwa vlan telah terhapus dengan perintah # interface ethernet print
To check the VLAN has been removing with the command # interface ethernet print

10. Sekarang, akan mengubah RouterBoard menjadi Switch dengan perintah # interface ethermet set 0 master-port=local
Now, will change RouterBoard become Switch with the command # interface ethermet set 0 master-port=local

11. Untuk melihat perubahan nya dengan peintah # interface ethernet print. Akan terlihat huruf 's' tandanya bahwa pengubahan dari RouterBoard menjadi Switch berhasil
To see has changed with command # interface ethernet print. Will seen a letter 's' that a sign that changes from RouterBoard be Switch has successfull

Finishh~~ happy to try it, and good luck!~


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